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Asia Pacific – Mitsubishi Electric Indonesia tham gia trồng vườn ươm cây và trao tặng thùng rác cho trường học ở Depok, Indonesia.

Three Mitsubishi Electric companies in Indonesia: PT. Mitsubishi Electric Indonesia, PT. Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Indonesia, and PT. Mitsubishi Jaya Elevator and Escalator with support from Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte. Ltd in Singapore carried out a tree planting event behind SMAN 10 Depok High School on September 13, 2014. As the Depok City Government had planned to build an Arboretum Garden in the city, the three Mitsubishi Electric companies supported them by planting a total of 500 trees for the arboretum, consisting of 24 different types of trees, as an environmental awareness initiative of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.

Moreover, they made a donation to this high school which they chose to work with, following the Depok City Government's suggestion. Since the school was newly built in July, it was a good timing to donate supplies such as three computers, three fans, and six garbage cans.
